[HS2] Vest joki edit [Commission]
Dyo Anima
- [Dyo-Anima]Vest_joki_inner_top.zipmod
- [Dyo-Anima]Vest_joki_inner_top_V2.zipmod
thanks @monolight7
This includes the items shown below:
- InnerTop: Vest joki [Dyo-edit]
- InnerTop: Vest joki v2[Dyo-edit]
Extra Notes:
-What is this? It's a custom edit to modify the mesh, texture, weights and add buttons to the rig of this vest, the original mod is by @Joki_Yep.
-What is the difference with V2? The V2 is just a change of the location of the buttons, nothing else.
-Includes a coordinate card and chara card
[HS2] Vest joki edit
8.88 MB
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